Our response to MCS report on sustainability of mackerel

April 2023

A recent assessment from the Marine Conservation Society stating that mackerel is no longer a sustainable choice has raised concerns among the fishing community and environmentalists. At North Atlantic Fishing Company, we understand that the sustainability of seafood is a critical issue; we take this matter seriously and are committed to responsible and sustainable fishing practices.

We are dedicated to ensuring that our operations are environmentally friendly, and we prioritise the health of the oceans and the species within them. We acknowledge that the mackerel population in the Northeast Atlantic (NEA) has been declining, and it is essential that we take steps to protect this valuable resource.

Although Coastal States, including the UK, EU, NO, FI, IS, and GR, have yet to agree on a mackerel-sharing agreement, we remain committed to operating within the environmental limits of the NEA Mackerel stock. We will continue to fish responsibly and sustainably within the allocated quota recommended by scientists and set by the UK Government fisheries managers. We aim to ensure the long-term sustainability of the mackerel stock while supporting the livelihoods of coastal communities that depend on it.

Other nations’ scientists and political leadership must also prioritise sustainable fishing practices and we look to them to operate within the environment limits of the NEA Mackerel stock to assure its long-term sustainability. Cooperation and collaboration between countries and fishing industries are essential to achieve this goal.

North Atlantic will continue to work with scientists, policymakers, and other stakeholders to develop and implement sustainable fishing practices. Our mission is to support global food security by providing high-quality, protein-rich fish worldwide while ensuring we do our part to protect the environment for future generations.

Our response to MCS report on sustainability of mackerel